Ansar Allah, commonly called the Houthis, is a Yemeni-based Zaidi Shia militant and political organization that directly answers to the Mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Fighting an insurgency against the Yemeni government since 2004, the Houthi movement took control of the powder keg of the Arab Spring and captured a vast swath of the population centers of Yemen, including the capital of Sanaa.

Initially declared a terrorist organization under the Trump Administration, the current Biden Administration reversed his predecessor’s policies in hopes of salvaging an already lukewarm nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Hoping the Houthis would continue to reconcile with various Yemeni factions and the Saudi government, instead, the Iranian-backed organization has resorted to its old ways, indiscriminately attacking commercial vessels and firing missiles toward US ally Israel. After weeks of missile interceptions, the US-led coalition in the Red Sea realized appeasement against Iranian proxies was failing, and military action was necessary to maintain the status quo.

The Houthi Attacks on Commercial Vessels and Israel

In lieu of the Israel-Hamas War and IDF invasion of Gaza, the Houthi Movement declared formal military intervention in the conflict. Already carrying a banner that calls for a “curse upon Jews,” intervening in an Israeli-Iranian proxy conflict was to be expected of the Yemeni-based militants.

The Houthis first started by firing ballistic missiles at Israel, one of which was shot down by Saudi Arabia and the others by the new Israeli Arrow missile defense system in space. Changing tactics as the Iranian-made ballistic missiles do not affect Israel, the Houthis are now resorting to terroristic piracy.

For the past several months, Houthi pirates have been firing upon commercial vessels, claiming many were arriving towards Israel’s ports, even when most of the foreign-flagged ships are only passing through the Red Sea and not stopping at the Port of Haifa. Ansar Allah apprehended a Bahamian-flagged vessel along with the entire crew on November 19th, and the group has caused major rerouting of the Red Sea, effectively hampering global shipping.

Houthi fighters via FirstPost