Sweden’s military is undergoing a transformation, embracing automation with the acquisition of a Milrem Robotics THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) for intensive testing.

This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards a more high-tech future for the Swedish armed forces as they explore the potential of robotic systems to elevate operational effectiveness and redefine modern warfare.

A dedicated team comprised of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), the Swedish Defence Research Agency, and the Swedish Armed Forces will put the UGV through rigorous testing in simulated and real-world scenarios.

This comprehensive evaluation, initiated by a recent agreement between Sweden’s FMV and Milrem Robotics Sweden at Eurosatory 2024 and witnessed by the Swedish Chief of Army, aims to assess the UGV’s capabilities and limitations within the specific context of Swedish military operations.

“We are proud to welcome Sweden as the latest user of the THeMIS UGV. Our collaboration will ensure that the Swedish forces are equipped with the most advanced robotic systems available, enhancing their operational effectiveness,” said Sverker Svärdby, managing director of Milrem Robotics Sweden.

Revolutionizing Logistics: Autonomous Cargo Delivery with MIFIK Technology

One of the most captivating features of the THeMIS Cargo is its autonomous functionality.

Equipped with Milrem’s Intelligent Functions Kit (MIFIK), the UGV boasts advanced self-driving capabilities. This translates to the ability to handle cargo delivery tasks without direct human control, significantly reducing the risks faced by soldiers in potentially hazardous environments.

Imagine resupply missions in combat zones or critical deliveries across rough terrain – the THeMIS Cargo can handle these tasks with minimal human intervention, safeguarding lives and streamlining logistics.