A storm is brewing in the Pentagon’s shadowy corners, where the cold light of budget spreadsheets meets the heat of global strategy.

It’s not the usual clash of bullets and bombs but something more subtle but equally deadly: a war of words and influence.

Yet, in a move that’s left more than a few brows furrowed in disbelief, Uncle Sam’s Army is mulling over slashing its arsenal in this silent battlefield. Yes, you heard it right.

According to reports highlighted by Defense One in a story released earlier this month (February 8), the brass is considering cuts to its Military Information Support Operations (MISO) at a time when the digital ghosts of Beijing and Moscow haunt the virtual plains—whispering discord and sowing chaos.

MISO is our very own shadow warriors in the psychological fray.

The Axe Hangs Over MISO

This isn’t just any old shuffle of papers and trimming of fat.

We’re talking about potentially benching the 8th Psychological Operations Group and others like them, stationed out of Fort Liberty, North Carolina, at a time when the globe’s stage is anything but stable.

The word comes down from the high echelons, following a nod from the Pentagon’s own oracle, the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office.