It’s pretty easy to disseminate information today. We have phones to call or text, maybe through social media. In the olden times, of course, it was much different.

Passing down information from Point A to Point B could already take some time (thus, the idea of using even pigeons as messengers). Now, imagine there was an ongoing war, and the leaders decided to raise the white flag and cease the battles. Those on the outskirts, probably fighting guerilla-style, were less likely to receive the news soon.

This is what happened to these three battles that extended even after the war had officially concluded.

Battle of Prague

The Battle of Prague was the last major clash of the Thirty Years’ War. The war resulted from entangled conflicts that resulted from prominent religious and political differences. As peace talks began, delegates from various nations met in Munster and Osnabruck to negotiate. These peace talks dragged on for months.

Meanwhile, on the battlefields, the Swedish forces mounted one last campaign to Prague, with General Hans Christoff von Konigsmarck’s group entering the city that was at that time defended by the former general Governor Feldmarshall Rodolfo Colloredo Mels und Wallsee. The Swedes attempted to join the Old Town, located on the river’s eastern bank, but the Colloredo’s men could hold them off on the Charles Bridge. After that, the Swedish armies launched several attacks against the city, but the strong fortification resisted.

Wallenstein: A Scene of the Thirty Years War. (Эрнест Крофтс (Ernest Crofts) — британский художник, специализирующийся на батальных сценах и истории (british painter of historical and military scenes)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Back to the diplomatic talks, which resulted in a series of treaties called the Peace of Westphalia. The Treaty changed the boundaries of Europe and solidified the acknowledgment of religious freedoms as the rulers of the Imperial States could now choose their official religions. Both Catholics and Protestants were made equal in the eyes of civil law. At the same time, Calvinism was also recognized as an official religion.

The Treaty was signed on October 24, 1648, officially ending the hostilities. However, the news did not reach Prague until after eight days, on November 1, and only then were the troops ordered to leave. Their ceasefire officially ended the Thirty Years’ War.