Bowe Freaking Bergdahl:

Washington (CNN)  U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face a military court on charges of desertion and endangering fellow soldiers, the U.S. Army announced Monday.

Gen. Robert Abrams, the commander of U.S. Army Forces Command, ordered the court-martial on Monday, breaking with the U.S. military officer overseeing Bergdahl’s preliminary hearing who recommended that Bergdahl be referred to a special court-martial and face no jail time.

Abrams on Monday ordered Bergdahl’s case to a general court-martial, which means Bergdahl could face life imprisonment if convicted of “misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place.”

Bergdahl disappeared from his base in Afghanistan in June 2009 and was held in captivity by the Taliban until the U.S. released five Taliban detainees in a controversial exchange for Bergdahl in May 2014. Six U.S. troops allegedly died in the months following Bergdahl’s disappearance during missions partly aimed at finding and rescuing him, though this contention has been disputed, with one U.S. official saying last year there was “no evidence” to back up the claim.

I have to hand it to the military. I was POSITIVE, especially after reading the comments after the preliminary hearing, that they weren’t going to court-martial Bergdahl at all. I was pleasantly surprised to hear this week that, in full defiance of White House wishes, the military re-discovered their manhood in time to do the right thing. Note that there are two separate charges. The first one, desertion, is bad enough. That’s enough to get you a dishonorable discharge and five years in the pen. But it’s the second one, the rarely-seen “Misbehavior before the enemy,” that could get him life in prison.

Normally, I’m not in the business of making predictions. (Actually, not true.. I make them all the time.) BUT:  I’m pretty sure that this episode is the first and LAST time a press conference is held in the Rose Garden of the White House celebrating a deserter. I still can’t believe the POTUS allowed himself to be talked into that one. I bet the stupid aide who set that up is getting the old Captain Stillman treatment to this day. Who can forget Bergdahl’s weirdo father and his Islamic prayers?

And let’s not forget this gem!: