Dedication for this work goes to SOFREP brother Mike, who claims the Creator told him to check on me recently because I was in trouble. He was spot-on. — geo

Editor’s Note: The following piece was penned by brother Geo Hand in the dead of night while suffering the throes of insomnia. It captures the pain, confusion, and darkness of these trying times. Studies have shown that 57% of post-9/11 veterans suffer from chronic insomnia. If they’ve had a TBI, that number soars to 78%. I’ve been there. It is miserable, but it can be treated. If you suffer like this, please seek help. — GDM

A Sleep-Deprived Soldier’s Lament

I’m a sleepy man, that I do fancy myself. I should have been a Ranger because Rangers can fall asleep immediately and under any and all circumstances. I want to be a Ranger and reacquaint myself with slumber. I just want to fall asleep and dream again because to sleep without dreams is a lie; it’s lying in bed and nothing more.

A nightmare is not a dream. A nightmare creeps to you unawares and dislodges an otherwise serendipitous dream, one that you can never recover. A nightmare is a bully and a cheat. To sleep with a nightmare is sleepless, just as a breath of wine is breathless; it’s purely a most taxing form of drudgery.

Why say that you ask?

Tactical Napping
Tactical napping.

I love sleep
sleep loves me
but sleep and I quarrel profitlessly

Even now I note the time on my clock as 0309. It’s winter and that means it is zero cold thirty outside. In my head is sleep ache, a headache that you get from a lack of sleep. It won’t go away just to spite my misery.