America Arms Terrorists

I remember slapping both hands to my face in disgust, listening to members of Congress in 2011 speak up about arming the rebels in Syria.

These “rebels” they were speaking of were terrorists with connections to ISIS.

I was watching our elected leadership hit a new low and then start to hand out jackhammers to dig deeper!

America tried arming terrorists before against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and that produced Bin Laden and a massive terrorist infrastructure that came to light in September 2001.

How’d that work out for us?

The same career politicians sit in their ivory towers and decide what’s best for getting themselves re-elected. They don’t make tough decisions regarding what’s best for America.

That’s how we have ended up where we are today, with more enemies today than we had pre-9/11 and a foreign policy plan that resembles a pile of rubble in the Gaza trip.

Remember when Clinton (HRC) decided to support the overthrow of Libya‘s leader? How’d that work out?

America desperately needs to fix its electoral system because filling the Government with career politicians is causing our country to rot from the inside out.

Term limits, campaign finance limits, vote by phone, and an 8-year term for the President would allow them to think and act strategically rather than being distracted by campaigning for re-election.

All this would go a long way to fixing a system that is rigged by the ones in power, but I fear, seriously, that the only thing to drive meaningful change in our politics will come in the form of revolution once the people have had enough of the lambs leading the lions.

Why Trump is the Best Candidate for Peace

But let me tell you why DJT is better for peace in 2024.

Trump knows we’ve made a mess of the world over the past two decades, and he’s demonstrated his ability to be level-headed and avoid conflict from a position of strength from his past term in office.

Love or hate him, he has done this very effectively, and I like him over Biden because he’s not a career politician who tries to play both sides.

Great leaders make tough decisions; they don’t make decisions by counting a show of hands of who’s in favor.

Case study in leadership: Elon Musk and Space X wouldn’t have rescued the American space program if he hadn’t demonstrated a clear vision and leadership in the path of fierce resistance.

Congress actually heard expert testimony, including Buzz Aldren himself, that said his plans to re-land a first-stage rocket were doomed to fail.

Put Space X to popular vote and the company never happens and we are still sending US astronauts to space in Russian rockets.

This is leadership folks.

JFK, Steve Jobs, Churchill, etc…all great leaders.

Biden? If dementia was a leadership trait America would be in good hands.

Biden’s Mishandling of Gaza Will Help Him Lose in 2024

What’s now happening in Gaza?

President Biden is mishandling the Gaza situation like a true career politician who makes decisions by poll, and fortunately, this will help him lose the election in 2024.

His administration is trying to support Israel and Gaza at the same time, and this is complete madness.

He speaks out in support of Israel yet sends the US Navy to build a pier to supply aid to Gaza and, through press channels, hints at the outrage happening in Gaza.

Even a window licker on the short bus would understand that this position is complete insanity.

Israel is going to continue to level Gaza and see Hamas extinct, and the sooner the American people make peace with this, the better.

I believe Trump will bring a quick end to the war in Ukraine and will bring stability and respect back to American foreign policy because he’s done this in his past Presidency.

He is also not afraid to pull out a big hammer, as he demonstrated to Iran with the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

It’s no coincidence that Putin waited until Biden was in office to launch his offensive into Ukraine.

If Trump had been in office, I think this would look very different.

The former President also understands that cutting a deal, sooner rather than later, with Putin is better for everyone.

If he’s elected, I think the war will end in less than 12 months, with Russia gaining the eastern territories, which would be a face-saving exit for Putin.

I don’t agree with Trump on everything, but he has a steady hand when it comes to US foreign policy that has been like an out-of-control California wildfire the past twenty years and seen many of our allies burned in the process.

I grow tired of seeing incredible people of the US military put in harm’s way, or worse, by lesser men and women in politics who have lost touch with the seriousness of the American decay.

This country has big problems, and we need strong leaders, not leadership by dementia.

Trump is my choice in 2024 for these reasons.