In the intense, high-stress environments U.S. Navy SEALs operate in, good leadership is essential for mission accomplishment and even survival.

Whether you are a light infantry platoon leader in the U.S. Army, a senior enlisted squad leader in the U.S. Marines, or the fire officer in charge of a four-person fire engine in some medium-sized midwestern American city, you have a substantial weight of responsibility proverbially pressing down on your shoulders. Someone, somewhere — for reasons hopefully not unbeknownst to you — has deemed that you are competent enough to lead a small operational unit or element within one of the military branches, a municipal or wildland fire department, or any number of other similar organizations.

If you are at all a conscientious leader, and most that have reached such a position likely ARE to at least some degree, then when the tones drop, or the balloon goes up, or the FRAGO arrives, you immediately start thinking to yourself, “okay, what do we need to do here?” Operating guidelines, rules of engagement, standard operating procedures, or tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) start to crowd into your brain while you simultaneously prepare your individual gear and equipment.

No longer do you have the luxury of being only concerned with performing your individual tasks, although those too remain, but you must also effectively lead this small unit to accomplish whatever mission, task, or operation you have been assigned. Well, fear not. When the time comes to execute, there are really only five fundamental tasks that you as the leader need to accomplish. Do these five things well, and your chances of success go way up (barring other unforeseen circumstances out of your control, of course).

Now, this guidance presumes a level of training and preparation on the back end. I am assuming that you have effectively trained and prepared a competent unit. It will be hard to overcome deficiencies in training, gear, equipment, or knowledge of TTPs and operating guidelines. Those things must be drilled into the unit long before the time comes to operate.  However, assuming you have fulfilled that fundamental Navy SEAL leadership requirement, once you are given the “GO,” you need only do these below five things to increase your odds of mission success.


1. Maintain Accountability

Members of SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two hang out inside a flooded dry deck shelter mounted on the back of the USS Philadelphia. (U.S. Navy)

Your most important responsibility is to those under your command. You need to make sure they get the job done, sure, but you also need to make sure they go home. Accounting for all your people during any operation, incident, or mission should always be in the front of your mind. Know where everyone is at all times, what task they have been assigned, and what their needs are. They might not always tell you they need help, or a certain piece of gear, or guidance, but it is your job to recognize it when they do. At the end of the day, everyone goes home. That’s your goal.

2. Formulate the Operational Plan

small unit leadership
Former Navy SEAL and current astronaut Jonny Kim leverages his leadership skills during NASA training. (Photo by Josh Valcarcel/NASA)

When given a mission, or when responding to some sort of incident, you have to immediately formulate a plan. It may be that the operation or incident is “routine,” in that you have responded to similar incidents or executed similar missions, numerous times in the recent past. That only matters in that you will likely more quickly formulate the plan in question. You still need one, though, and you still need to make sure you are seeking and receiving input from those in your unit with something of value to add.

The brand new guy or girl might not have much to add (or they might!), but the seasoned veteran on the crew, or in the squad or platoon, almost certainly does. If you are a good leader, you are seeking input and thoughts from those who can provide it. Once you have, formulate a plan, communicate it to the unit, and give assignments. Failure to do so will almost certainly always result in ineffectiveness, confusion, and/or possibly partial or complete operational failure.