Did you know there were more Wampanoag Indians at the first Thanksgiving than Pilgrims?

Or that the Pilgrims themselves were considered dangerous criminals and treasonous separatists in England for expressing the subversive belief that Christ was the leader of his church and not any King or Queen?

Did you know that America and the New World was not the first place the Pilgrim had fled to? Nor was Plymouth the first place they landed in the New World.

There are people in this country who can claim their family first came to America on the Mayflower, but one family can claim that their progenitor was actually born on the Mayflower itself during the two month voyage.

Fox Nations’ A Very Nation Christmas is a departure from the normal Thanksgiving fare. It takes an accurate and historical view of Thanksgiving which actually makes it even more impressive than the myths that surround it. Host Brian Kilmeade, who has made a specialty of historical programming on Fox Nation, let’s the historians and archaeologists do most of the talking as they give you the facts about the events that shaped an alliance between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians at Plymouth, Massachusetts, and how this led to a successful fall harvest and a feast thanking God for it.

The show is full of fascinating insight into the relationship between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. The Indians first feared that the Pilgrims were a war party raiding their territory until they saw women and children among this small band of strangers and reasoned that their purpose was not to make war on them but to settle in these lands. From that realization, the Wampanoag came to believe that the Pilgrims would make great allies against hostile neighboring tribes.


The Colonists Occupied Land the Natives Were Afraid to Go to

The show highlights an interesting fact that refutes recent revisionist history that portrays the Pilgrims as thieves who “stole” America from the Indian tribes (tribes that would have laughed at the idea that anyone could “own” the land). The Pilgrim settlers wanted as little to do with the Indian tribes as possible. They wanted to be left alone in relative peace to hunt, fish, build homes and raise their families. The place they selected was Patuxet Village, which was believed by the Wampanoag to be poisoned land abandoned by the tribe of the same name after they were virtually wiped out by an infectious disease, now believed to be smallpox. It should be recalled that in that first winter, about half of the original 102 Pilgrims had died of New World diseases to which they had no immunity.