I wrote a column not too long ago that dealt with raising boys. I rather enjoyed writing it. It was like reminding myself of what I needed to do with my own children, as I strive on a daily basis to be a good father. It was almost like writing it to myself as a to-do list—a reminder, or mantra, to read and repeat over and over so I do not forget what I need to do.

I also received a lot of feedback from you all, the readers, which was great. God only knows I can use all the help I can get in raising them. One important piece of feedback I received was that the list applied to girls, too. KimberyHilton, TexGrl, Pamlful, and Maiingankwe all reinforced this in their comments. The latter wrote, “I have been teaching my daughter these lessons for as long as she can remember.”

She is right. The same lessons apply to my step-daughter, and all girls, as well as to my sons and step-son. Point taken willingly and thankfully.

I also learned some additional lessons that I should have included on the list, such as “use your words” (FKA_Erin), “love your mother!” (bandanana), and “learn how to cook” (mickmcfarts). I hear all you all’s words, and advice, and I thank you for it. Although, Mr. Mcfarts, you might want to exercise greater judgement, in future, in creating your monikers.

Anyway, in the same vain as that previous post on raising boys, I wanted to throw out another for your consideration. This time, I am recommending that all of you parents, guardians, grandparents, big brothers, and big sisters take your kids camping. Unplug your phones, tablets, and gaming systems, pack up your ruck, load up some food and water, head out of the city limits, find a state or national park, and get outside.

It is cliche at this point to lament the sad fact that we are too wired-in and insular in our modern existence. Cliche, but true. As a society, we have so many more temptations keeping us away from the outdoors than ever existed before. We have smartphones, high definition televisions, game consoles that are about as realistic as you can imagine, websites in the millions (including this one!), and coffee shops on every corner.

It is not hard to imagine the common person only coming into contact with nature through a walk to their car, mowing the lawn every other Saturday, or on the way into the newest indoor trampoline park or bouncy house (if you have kids, like me).

Well, it is time to carve out some more direct, meaningful, and prolonged time to spend with ole mother nature. So, here is your primer on getting started with an easy camp out for you and the kids, or you and your friend or boy/girlfriend, or just YOU. Don’t be intimidated. Just get out there and do it.