The National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) of Indonesia has released their final report on the December 2014 crash of Indonesia AirAsia flight QZ8501, which plunged into the Java Sea while enroute from Surabaya to Singapore-Changi International. As with any accident, this crash occurred after a series of cascading events took place, ultimately resulting in the deaths of all 162 passengers and crew onboard.

Airliner crash investigations are painstakingly exhaustive, and rarely the result of any single incident (the recent Metrojet Airbus crash in Egypt could be one of those rare instances) but more often the chain of cascading events that lead to an unrecoverable situation. Indonesia’s NTSC identified several contributing factors in their final report, so let’s take a look at what happened.

Three days prior to the crash of QZ8501, the Airbus A320 registered PK-AXC was operating a flight from Surabaya to Kuala Lumpur. The same captain (with over 20,000 total hours, over 4600 in type) made a call to maintenance with a failure of the rudder travel limit system. After resetting the flight augmentation computer (FAC) circuit breakers, the problem went away, only to resurface shortly. Upon replacing the #2 FAC, the aircraft departed for Kuala Lumpur without incident.

Fast forward to December 28th, and the same captain was flying the same aircraft out of Surabaya with the first officer acting as pilot flying. Once enroute, the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) showed the master caution activating four times with the rudder travel limiter failure. After the first three master cautions, the crew complied with the Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) procedure. Yet on the fourth, the FDR recorded a different response, this time akin to the action several days prior of resetting the FAC circuit breakers. This action produced a less than desirable (but not yet dangerous) result when the master caution activated again as a result of the FAC 1 & 2 faults. Consequently, the autopilot and auto-throttle systems failed and the aircraft’s flight control logic switched from Normal Law to Alternate Law.

The newly re-energized FACs created a sudden rudder deflection of 2° left. That might not sound like much, but for a jet traveling along at cruise speed it is sufficient to cause an upset. The A320 began an uncommanded bank, rolling left at a rate of 6° per second, reaching 54° before any pilot input was recorded. The first officer’s control input however, was full up and right, and the aircraft almost returned to wings level but quickly rolled left again, this time to 53° of bank. Since the FO continued to hold backpressure on the stick, the aircraft began climbing at a rapid rate, up to 11,000 feet per minute.

The onset of the upset and control inputs from FDR and CVR data, notice the position of each of the sidesticks (NTSC Final Report)
The initial upset at FL320 incorporating FDR and CVR data, notice the position of each of the sidesticks (NTSC Final Report)

With that rate of climb the airspeed rapidly decreased and soon the stall warning activated, and soon after the captain also began making control inputs and continued doing so until impact with the ocean. The FO also stayed on the controls, applying mostly maximum back pressure for the now short remainder of the flight.

So here’s the situation. An aircraft’s nice and stable cruise flight is upset, and the response from the FO is to pull fully back on the stick. The airplane begins to stall, and the stall warning should have been a trigger for the crew to promptly apply the stall recovery procedure. The captain adds opposite control inputs and says “pull down” (an entirely misleading and ambiguous command). So both pilots have their hands on the sidestick, but give differing inputs. Who’s really in control?

The normal sidestick logic averages each of the inputs, so with the FO pulling all the way back on the sidestick and the captain pushing forward slightly, the average command was still nose up – not the stall recovery procedure. Airbus incorporated a cutout, so that whoever presses the sidestick takeover pushbutton allows for positive control to be maintained, but doesn’t deactivate the other pilot’s sidestick at the outset. Pushing the takeover button for at least 40 seconds deactivates the opposing sidestick and had the captain exercised that option, it could have resulted in AirAsia 8501 recovering from the stall.