Admittedly the situation in Ukraine is complicated. 

The country is historically important to Russia, but Ukraine is a country with its own language, culture and history beyond and preceding it being folded into the Soviet Union.

Both countries share a common heritage. Many in Ukraine have family in Russia and vice versa. 

Russia is a great country as are its people. I’ve been several times, including to the last World Cup in Moscow. I have friends on both sides. 

The one thing they all share in common is a sadness for what is happening.

Ukraine is (was) free and independent after the young took to the streets in a bloody revolution of dignity in 2014 to oust a Russian-backed thug and puppet, Yanukovych. 

Kyiv has a thriving tech start up scene, and Ukrainian citizens have enjoyed free travel into Europe with an aim to join the EU. However, this ride is over for now. 

Ukraine has experienced freedom and democracy, and that genie is out of the bottle. If Putin does occupy it he’ll have a young and healthy revolutionary baby on his hands.