Phone footage captured on the train after the attack. 

American forces have again proven themselves in Europe, this time on holiday. Several Americans from the Air Force, the Army, and a private citizen have prevented what could have easily been a travesty, in a random act of vigilant counter-terrorism.  The three heroes are Anthony Sadler, a private citizen, Alex Skarlatos, of the Oregon Army National Guard, and Spencer Stone, of the USAF who sustained injuries while detaining the attacker.

A man armed with a AK-74u, a box cutter, and a handgun eerily rose out of a bathroom on a heavily occupied Amsterdam to Paris bound train within Belgian borders and with the intent to kill, but was subdued…only wounding three, one seriously in the attack.

Anthony Sadler on the train, describes the account. Image courtesy of Facebook.
Anthony Sadler on the train, describes the account. Image courtesy of Facebook.

The thwarted attack resulted in three injuries including Stone, an American Airman who helped to subdue the instigator, an unidentified U.S. citizen, and a French citizen Jean-Hugues Anglade were also listed as injured.

The man responsible for this reckless act of incongruous violence while attempting to kill innocent train-going Europeans was a 26-year-old Moroccan man, named Ayoub el-Qahzzani, a member of a Belgium-based jihadi group.

Image courtesy of John Van Der Tol

The Jihadi group is one of many which continues to express a notion that nothing is ever good enough for some people, be it in their home countries, as they travel to start anew with foreign state assistance, education and training, or simply the spelling of words that sound like numbers or linguistic principles; hence Sharia4Belgim [no, not Belgium]. If you want to be a 2015 terrorist group, you should be millennial text friendly by using buzz-worthy text nameology. After all, little else speaks more clearly about you and what you represent – as nothing more than worthless garbage, other than attempted suicide by homicide topped with a 4 in the middle of your organizational name.


The Service Members who stopped the attack used their basic instincts and common tactical knowledge by first observing someone who was acting suspiciously and then conducting a basic patrolling techniques. Stop, Look, Listen, Smell (SLLS,) and by listening to a sound they were are all too familiar with. The sound ammunition being loaded into a magazine by the attacker in a nearby bathroom. Upon hearing this unmistakable noise, they rose up off of their seats and were able confront the aggressor in a timely manner and before things got any worse.

The terrorist burst out of the bathroom and immediately assailed two passengers. The Service Members were able to near-immediately subdue the attacker which resulted in no loss of life and the unfortunate display of another loser to the media.  If we are to learn anything from this attack it will be to not give this terrorist or what he represents anything but further disdain.


The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve has given respect and honor to the Service Members who prevented the attack saying “Thanks to them we have averted a drama. [The Americans were] particularly courageous and showed extreme bravery in extremely difficult circumstances.”  A statement taken wholeheartedly and not without merit.  France been on guard against attacks such as this having  recently undertaken  serious terrorist incidents with as many as 17 killed in the January Charlie Hebdo attack alone.