War, and a bigger stick, may be the unfortunate answer for the United States and our allies.

A lot is at stake for the free world and keeping the trend line of democracy going up (not down) into the future.

Having served in two wars myself in Afghanistan and the Middle East, it’s terrible to think about this as the solution.

However, if not now, when?

If ever there was a purpose to show American Defense superiority, it’s now. The US capability is like putting the boxer Mayweather in a ring with a redneck beer belly bully.

There’s only one outcome for the Russians if this happens, and it’s worse for them than the free world. Putin’s only bluff has been to go nuclear, which may not be enough for the aging leader who seems to have ruined Russia’s global reputation in a single brush stroke.

The United States needs to step up to protect a free and functioning democracy in Ukraine. As a combat veteran, I’ll choose this war over 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq with no purpose behind it. Critics will point to Ukraine and say its democracy is flawed and corruption is rampant, but I would just reply, “Can you name a Democracy that isn’t?”

My personal social media is filled with DM requests asking how and where to fight. Most are late-night whisky fueled, but we’ve seen indications that a large number of American veterans are joining the Ukrainian Foreign Legion to fight the Russians.