An Unassuming Coloradoan

Bill Crawford was about as humble as they get. He was born in Pueblo, Colorado, in 1918, served in the Army during World War II, and stayed in the service until 1967 when he retired.

William Crawford during World War II. Screenshot from YouTube and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society

After a couple of months of retirement, Bill grew bored and looked around his hometown of Colorado Springs for a job to keep him busy. He found work as a janitor at the United States Air Force Academy, just outside of town. Most cadets barely noticed this quiet, unassuming man who blended into the background as he silently did his job. They knew him only as the shy janitor, Mr. Crawford.

A Surprising Discovery

This all changed in 1976. Cadet James Moschgat was studying the Allied campaign in Italy when he began reading about the accomplishments of one private William Crawford. There was an old photo of Crawford in the book, and Moschgat thought he resembled the reclusive janitor. He read that private Crawford was presumed killed in action, and his father received the Medal of Honor for his son. As it turned out, Crawford had been captured by German soldiers and held prisoner for 19 months until the end of the war.

Cadet Moschgat shared his finding with fellow cadets and finally approached the janitor to ask if he was the same man in the story. Crawford simply replied, “Yep, that’s me.” The cadets asked him why he never talked about his accomplishments, and he said,

“That was one day in my life and it happened a long time ago.”

Word of Mr. Crawford’s exploits quickly spread among the cadet corps, and he was given newfound respect when they also discovered he returned from a war where he was presumed dead and voluntarily served for another 20 years. For more than four decades, William Crawford never had one ceremony recognizing his Medal of Honor. The cadets of the graduating class of 1984 decided to put an end to that. At their graduation, Crawford was invited to be an honored guest.

President Reagan was the keynote speaker at the graduation that year, and while he was there, he formally presented William Crawford with his Medal of Honor. In his remarks, the president noted some leadership lessons the newly appointed officers learned from their janitor. Many years later, these lessons were formalized and written down by the man who first discovered the hero among his fellow cadets, COL (ret) James Moschgat.

Bill Crawford, our janitor, taught me many valuable, unforgettable leadership lessons. Here are ten I’d like to share with you: