“We will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against [ISIS] in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: If you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.” – President Obama

Amen, Mister President. Another 9/11, another terror group killing Americans. We need to think long-term and reorganize for action, like our enemy does. I hope that, by next year, Americans combat advisers are on the ground across the planet in a hundred coordinated unconventional attacks against our enemies worldwide to mark the anniversary.

I was in Mongolia on a JCET when the airliners crashed into the World Trade Center. Like most Americans, I was sick and I was angry. I hoped and prayed that America would reorganize her military for a new kind of war to stamp out this cancer. I got half of what I prayed for.

After 9/11, Pentagon planners wanted to stage Desert Storm 2 in Afghanistan, just like they learned at War College. As they briefed their months-long force build up to get 500,000 soldiers to the most remote corner of the Earth, President Bush said, “No, we need something now.” What we got, through Pentagon desperation, was Army Special Forces, (the Green Berets) and their secret friends were able to operate independently.

Given mission type orders without the crushing burden of conventional command and control, about 150 Green Berets and Paramilitary Branch officers did what they were trained to do. They linked up with a band of outlaws and ruffians and took over Afghanistan. Had they continued to leverage local assets and provide training to groups supporting U.S. objectives, we may have never seen ISIS.

After that win, Big Army, frightened at the implications for future budgets, took ownership of the victory and sent a 3-star general and the 18th Airborne Corps Headquarters to command those 150 men. Rather than remain at K2 airbase, a safe and perfect command and control facility in a neighboring country, they moved into Afghanistan and went to the Army’s core competencies. They built bases and generated force structure. In the following 10 years, the U.S. Military became the primary source of revenue for the Taliban, who found taxing supply trucks superior to blowing them up.

On the domestic front, lack of intelligence coordination was blamed for the 9/11 attacks. Millions were spent on the new Department of Homeland Security. In 2014, the same old FBI remains in charge of investigating terror plots, and the southern border is as porous as ever. Lack of immigration enforcement has made infiltrating armed teams into the United States as simple as a desert hike.

Complicating matters, a very successful conventional invasion of Iraq was overshadowed by flawed implementation of reconstruction. We tried to impose poorly thought-out and idealistic programs on an ancient culture in the cradle of civilization. They chose to stay in the 7th century and fight each other, giving us the situation we face today with ISIS. Better early management of Iraqi security assets could have avoided that.