Another explosion occurred in Kabul, just hours after two deadly suicide bombings killed at least 24 people and wounded almost 100 in an attack on the Defense Ministry. A Taliban spokesman stated that they targeted the Defense Ministry in the first explosion and the police in the second explosion.

At approximately 11:00 pm local time, the third attack occurred in a residential neighborhood and was accompanied with gunfire. The explosion is said to have been from a car bomb.

An explosion rocked the neighborhood of Shar-e Now, or New City, area around 11 p.m. on Monday, followed by gunfire that is still underway.

Sediq Sediqqi, the spokesman for the Ministry of Interior says the target of the attack was not immediately clear. He says that after the explosion, two more attackers entered one of the buildings in the area.

Sediqqi says the police believe it is one of the guest houses in the neighborhood, which houses foreigners and diplomats. There was no immediate word on casualties.

All major roads in the area have been blocked by police.- Reuters

Details and casualties of the third blast are unknown at this time. More information to follow.

Image courtesy of Facebook/Khalid Amiri