The recent events in Charlottesville, where the two extremes of the political spectrum were pitted against each other, have sparked a vivid debate about these so-called Antifa.

The KKK white supremacists and the lot are not something new to the US political stage.

The far left, on the other hand, is relatively unknown.

Across the pond, however, we’ve had them for decades, and have grown accustomed to both name and ideology. So what are Antifa all about?
Before dwelling on the far left, let’s take a look on the far right in Europe, for historical reasons and for context.

Over the last decade, Europe has seen a significant rise of the far right, which can be attributed to a number of reasons. The Euro zone economic crisis gave rise to the idea and the sentiment that the European Union is a failed experiment and everyone will be better off alone. In countries where bailouts were imposed, emerged a feeling of lost sovereignty. Others also felt that Brussels had taken over their domestic policy. These ideas gave rise to Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France and to Golden Dawn in Greece. Elsewhere, it was the refugee crisis and the overall surge of Muslim immigrants, which led to gains for parties like Alternative for Germany and Geert Wilder’s Party of Freedom in Netherlands. The recent terrorist attacks, of course, exacerbated the situation, with Russia allegedly pursuing its goal of dismantling the EU through financial support to separatist forces.

Are all far right parties Nazis? No. Although there are some legit Nazis, like Golden Dawn, and fascists like CasaPound. But the intertwine of Nazism and fascism in European political culture is a long and complex matter.

Most far right parties in each European country promote their brand of nationalism. If you’re going to spot admiration for the Nazis from some members, it is in the fact that they consider Hitler a successful politician in the nationalistic field.

The secret of Europe is that it was always anti-Semitic. Persecution of Jews goes back to medieval times; the Nazis didn’t invent it or anything. It is really easy to find people claiming that Jews run the show and since the Nazis were the epitome of anti-Semitism, they look up to them. Another thing that wove national socialism into the fabric of other countries’ political cultures is the fact that partisans of opposed ideologies, communists and nationalists, fought the Nazis but they also fought among themselves, in the hope of gaining a leverage for when the Nazis were gone.