The history of Libya is a history of conflict with foreign invaders, from the ancient Greeks and conquering Islamic Ottomans, to the first generation of American sailors and Naval warfighters who battled the Barbary pirates. Libya also rests on a geographical plane where both trans-Saharan trade routes and various maritime endeavors intersect with each other, making the country a center of commerce and cross-cultural exchange throughout the centuries.

There was a time in Libya, perhaps encountered by the Greeks upon their arrival, before desertification when the country was largely green and flush with a complex system of irrigation canals. Giraffes and other exotic animals thrived in a Libya very different from the one we know today. As the Sahara desert began to dry out and expand, it acted as something of a filter for trade between North and Sub-Saharan Africa. In these early years of trans-Saharan commerce, caravans of camels traveling across the desert were known to number in the tens of thousands.

The Garamantes were the indigenous peoples who occupied present day Libya as far back as 1,000BCE. As an agrarian society, the Garamantes also worked as merchants and engaged in the salt trade with the ancient West African empires. Later, the Phoenicians had extended their commercial trade network across North Africa, absorbing the three cities region called Tripolis on the Libyan coast which the modern capital, Tripoli draws its name. The ancient Greeks later created a colony in Libya, welcoming Alexander the Great in 331 BCE.

As the Roman empire was coming into the picture, multiple trade routes were emerging which crisscrossed the desert. Libya was thus linked to Sudan and Algeria linked to the Niger River bend via a Mauritanian corridor suitable for grazing in the months of October through May. A third major route came into existence which connected Sudan with Egypt. A complex series of oasis acted as way points through the desert as the caravans could go as long as eight to ten days without water. By 74 BCE, Libya voluntarily became a Roman province.

Tripoli continued to grow into a commercial hub under Roman protection until the decline of the empire and the Vandal barbarian hoards swept through North Africa in the 5th Century BCE. The Romans attempted to reassert themselves in the region, but their empire was overextended causing Roman infrastructure and culture to wither away until the spread of Islam came to fill the power vacuum.

For centuries control of Libya was up for grabs between the Berber tribes, the Byzantines, and various Arab invaders, including the Caliphate of Ummayad of Syria. The burgeoning trade in gold brought the precious metal to the Mediterranean coast from the Wangara clan in modern day Mali and Ghana. Heavy caravans of several thousand camels flowed across the desert once a year while light caravans consisting of a hundred camels were more frequent.

By the 16th Century Libya had fallen under Ottoman control while favorable political conditions in Mali had now allowed for extensive trade networks to develop (mostly) unhindered by bandits and thieves. The spread of Islam had a profound effect on North Africa, developing a civil society connected by religious ties that stretched across nations and empires. Literacy promoted by the Muslim faith to allow followers to read the Koran led to Muslim caravaners to create a system of credit and other legal documents such as contracts.

While the trans-Atlantic slave trade picked up pace, Arab slavers also engaged in the practice of raiding European coastal cities to procure Christian slaves. Arabs also captured black African slaves from sub-saharan Africa, but even combining these two slave networks the number of people sold into slavery by Arabs was perhaps 1.5 million on the high estimate, a mere drop in the bucket compared to the the European trade in black slaves. However, the Barbary slavers were prolific enough to cause entire stretches of Mediterranean coastline to be abandoned in Spain, France, Italy, and elsewhere as the pirates raided as far as Iceland and Ireland.