With tensions ratcheting up between the Israelis and the leaders of the Palestinian groups in the West Bank and Gaza, yet another wave of violence appears imminent. 

Hamas officials have been vowing renewed violence for weeks as they have criticized Egyptian mediators who have been trying to hammer out a peace agreement. 

“We are considering options for an escalation with Israel in light of the continued siege of Gaza and the delay in rehabilitating the Strip,” an unnamed source said earlier in December to Al Jazeera. “We will not allow the current situation to continue, and the next phase will prove the credibility of our words.” Now it appears to be happening again.

Israeli troops killed a Palestinian after he fired at them from a passing vehicle outside of Ramallah. Earlier last week, Israeli troops killed a man who attempted to carry out a car-ramming attack in the West Bank. Last week, a Palestinian gunman killed an Israeli man near the unauthorized West Bank settlement outpost of Homesh.

Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) parade as a show of strength. Reuters photo

Clashes continue between Israeli soldiers and hundreds of Palestinian protesters who threw rocks, burned tires, and fired shots at troops in the West Bank area just outside of the contentious area of Homesh. One Israeli soldier was wounded, while the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded with live fire, tear gas, and stun grenades. Dozens were injured by the fire as well as from rubber bullets. 

Now, the terror groups of the region Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have announced that they had reached an agreement to “strengthen the resistance” against the Israelis and plan to increase coordination between the two terrorist groups.

As a result, the “military wings” of at least a dozen armed groups are conducting a joint exercise whose stated goal was to “raise military readiness” for a possible confrontation with Israel and increase coordination between the factions, according to the “Joint Room of the Palestinian Resistance Factions,”

The exercise is expected to last several days and will no doubt draw the attention of the Israeli military and its intelligence agencies. Hamas and the PIJ spoke in glowing terms of the newest attacks against Israelis in the West Bank and Jerusalem, saying they came in response to “settler terrorism and crimes of the Zionist occupation soldiers.”