Woke Democrats seem to be at war with femininity in the military although they were the ones demanding it in the first place.

The latest attack came a couple of days ago when a female Twitter user named Pardes Seleh compared a Russian military recruiting video to a new U.S. Army video. The U.S. Army video features a weirdly childish animated U.S. Army Cpl. Emma Malonelord. It relates that Emma had two mothers, marched for LGBTQ rights, graduated at the top of her class in high school, and decided that she was called to the Army to live her Leftist activist ideals.

Pardes, in combing the two ads together, made a clear point about what the U.S. military was hoping to fill its ranks with versus what the Russian military was aspiring to and they could not be more dissimilar.

Of course, Pardes being a woman could not stir the woke to action since, as a woman, she’s automatically a victim of misogynist oppression which places her beyond the woke baying and howling criticism.

Then Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) retweeted and commented on Selah’s tweet. And the woke-sphere went into apoplectic seizures over it.