In a press conference, the Berlin police indicated that they were unsure if they detained the right suspect following the deadly truck attack in the Christmas market that killed 12 people and injured 48. Shortly after the attack, a 23-year-old Pakistani man (identified as Naved B) was detained near the market. He has been in the country seeking asylum for approximately a year. Naved B, reportedly entered Germany under a false name in 2015 and has a criminal record.

Naved B, the Pakistani man detained shortly after the attack

“It is in fact uncertain whether that really was the driver,” Berlin police head Klaus Kandt said on Tuesday.

The man detained, who has denied involvement, arrived in Germany from Pakistan at the end of last year.

He was captured in a park 2km away after reportedly fleeing the popular Christmas market in west Berlin.- BBC

Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maizière indicated that initial questioning of the man was delayed because they were unable to find a translator that spoke Balochi. Upon further examination, the Naved B. did not have any gun residue on his body or clothing. It is believed that the actual driver shot and stabbed the Polish man, Lukasz Urban, in the cab of the truck prior to driving into the Christmas market. The Polish man’s body was discovered after the attack.

The owner of a Polish trucking company says the driver who was the first victim of the attack on a Christmas market in Berlin was stabbed and shot to death in the cabin of his truck.

Ariel Zurawski says German authorities asked him to identify the victim, Lukasz Urban, 37, from photos.

“His face was swollen and bloodied. It was really clear that he was fighting for his life,” Zurawski said, speaking to broadcaster TVN.

Lukasz Wasik, the manager of the trucking company, described Urban as a “good, quiet and honest person” devoted to his work.

“I believe he would not give up the vehicle and would defend it to the end if were attacked,” Wasik said in comments carried by TVP, Poland’s state broadcaster.- New York Times

Therefore, police have advised the public that the perpetrator may in fact still be at large. While the Christmas market in Berlin is closed, other Christmas markets in Germany will remain open. Most markets will likely have an increased police presence and new security barriers (like the barriers pictured below). Police asked people to report any suspicious activity immediately.

Image courtesy of Twitter/ @TAOnline

Image courtesy of AP