President Joe Biden’s decision to step down from his re-election bid has sent ripples (no, make that tidal waves) through the Democratic Party, exposing what many Trump supporters see as the inherent weaknesses of the current administration. After a string of embarrassing public performances, it seems that President Biden finally caved to the mounting pressure, acknowledging what many have long believed: his time in office has been marked by cognitive decline and ineffectiveness, and a battle against Donald J. Trump would be a losing effort.

Harris’ Uphill Battle

Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden’s heir apparent, now faces the daunting task of convincing a skeptical nation and a divided Democrat Party that she’s fit to lead. From the viewpoint of Trump supporters, Harris’ tenure as vice president has been lackluster at best. Her approval ratings reflect widespread dissatisfaction, and her handling of key issues like the border crisis and foreign policy have only fueled doubts about her leadership abilities​.

The Democrat Dilemma

The Democratic National Convention will likely become a battleground, with potential contenders like Governors Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer waiting in the wings. Trump supporters anticipate that Harris will struggle to secure the nomination, given her poor performance and the lack of enthusiasm among her own party members. The internal conflicts and the scramble for power could leave the Democrats fractured and vulnerable heading into the general election. For many, this seems like 1968 all over again.

1968 DNC
This is what it deteriorated into during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

Harris’ Weak Polling

Trump supporters are quick to point out Harris’ dismal polling numbers. They argue that her inability to connect with voters and her mishandling of major issues make her an easy target for the Republican nominee. From this perspective, the notion that Harris could beat Trump, who remains a formidable figure in the GOP with a strong base of support, seems far-fetched ​.

As of late July 2024, polling numbers indicate a tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Trump leading Harris by 1.7 percentage points, with Trump at 48.0% and Harris at 46.3%. Another source from The Hill reports a similar trend, with Trump holding a 2.7% lead over Harris, with Trump at 48.0% and Harris at 45.3% .

RFK Jr. isn’t a big fan of Harris either.