As a presidential candidate, President Biden vowed that his administration will be one of unity and diversity. Apparently, that only applies to those who conform to his views. 

In yet another politicization of non-partisan advisory panels, the Biden administration has asked for the resignation of several members of the military academies’ advisory boards who were appointed by President Trump.

The boards of the Military Academy at West Point, Naval Academy in Annapolis, and Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs meet several times a year to provide non-binding advice on issues like academic curriculum, student morale, and institutional needs.

Members on the advisory boards usually serve three-year terms, even across presidential administrations. Several members appointed by President Barack Obama at the end of his term served several years into the Trump administration. 

However, Cathy Russell, the director of the White House’s Presidential Personnel Office, sent letters to 18 individuals on three different boards, asking for them to resign on Wednesday. The list includes the Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy, Military Academy, and the Naval Academy, the White House said.

West Point cadets celebrate after graduating from the U.S. Military Academy. (U.S. Army)

One of the letters that Russell sent was to Russell Vought. It informed him that he’d be fired from his post on the Naval Academy’s Board of Visitors unless he resigned immediately. Politico published the letter and Russell posted it on Twitter.

“On behalf of President Biden, I am writing to request your resignation as a Member of the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Naval Academy. Please submit your resignation to me by the close of business today. Should we not receive your resignation, your position with the Board will be terminated effective 6:00 p.m. tonight.”

Vought answered the following,