In a world where the unpredictable seems increasingly likely, the ultra-wealthy have turned their eyes to something once relegated to the fringes of society—prepper shelters. But these aren’t your grandparents’ musty-smelling bomb shelters stocked with canned goods and bottled water. Today’s high-end prepper shelters are more like luxury fortresses designed to ensure survival and comfort, even in the face of the most catastrophic events. 

If the worst of the worst happens, why not ride out the apocalypse in style?

The Rise of the Luxury Bunker

The concept of a survival bunker is nothing new. From Cold War-era fallout shelters to the more recent trend of “doomsday preppers,” people have long sought ways to protect themselves from potential threats. However, the last decade has seen a significant evolution in this space, driven by technological advancements and a growing market among the ultra-wealthy.

Companies like Vivos and Rising S Company have capitalized on this demand, offering high-end shelters that combine state-of-the-art security with the trappings of luxury living. These shelters are designed to withstand everything from nuclear blasts to biological attacks and offer amenities like indoor pools, theaters, and wine cellars.

Take, for example, the story of a man whose name you might recognize: Mark Zuckerberg. The CEO of Meta (the social media company formerly known as Facebook) is building a $100 million compound in Hawaii. Maybe the Zuck knows something we don’t.

Not that long ago, WIRED magazine ran a featured story about the compound, whose construction reminds one of Gus Fring’s underground factory in “Breaking Bad.” Everything on the Zuckerberg compound is strictly hush, hush, says WIRED. “It’s like fight club; we don’t talk about fight club.”

Here is what we do know: the property is known as Koolau Ranch, and in addition to the typical above-ground amenities, it is home to a 5,000-square-foot underground bunker with its own water, energy, and food supplies. If the end times do fall upon us, don’t count on spending them with Zuck. He’s notorious for going to extreme lengths to guard his privacy. On one of his mainland homes, it’s reported that he’s obscured all of the outside access doors, and the only way into the residence is if a guard opens up a secret entrance hidden by thick shrubbery.