Note: this is part of a series about America’s first counterterrorism unit. You can read part one here. Blue Light, America’s first counterterrorism unit, had found its home out at Mott Lake. Their compound was sparse, but served its purpose. There were four buildings, a combatives pit, and the “RAM” drop zone, which stood for Robert A. Mountel, the commander of 5th Special Forces Group. It is said that Mountel got $25,000 of funding earmarked for Blue Light from a friend at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but that was all they were getting. Ultimately, the money came out of the same stream of Pentagon funding that was used for Delta Force. Otherwise, the Blue Light members practiced a tried and true Special Forces tradition: scrounging.

“One of our guys stole a Jeep from the military police,” Blue Light’s sergeant major laughed. When Colonel Mountel came out, the sergeant major asked him not to inquire as to where the Jeep had originated.

“We were always ready to go, always concerned about the fact that we were out there in the boonies, and if there were any bad guys who wanted to get us, they could,” Boyatt said. “We walked around locked and loaded all the time, carrying .45s with the hammer back and the grip safety taped down. We operated like that for a long time.”

Blue Light was a nickname for the classified project name no one ever actually used. This followed the non-classified naming convention used at the time; the same was used for Green Light as well. This was similar to the non-classified names used for Special Forces projects in Vietnam, which used letters of the Greek alphabet such as sigma, omega, and delta.

Around 75 men had been recruited for Blue Light, which was now organized into three assault teams still structured as 12-man ODAs—with one exception. One team was led by Mark Boyatt, another by McGoey, one by “Dutch Herman,” and the final team was a plussed-up 24-man element led by Roger, which also had an intelligence-collection mission. Two of these ODAs came from 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group. The other two teams were drawn from 1st and 2nd Battalions, also in 5th Group. They also had a sniper/observer team led by Master Sergeant England.

The Blue Light arms room contained an assortment of suppressed Sten guns, .22 pistols, 1911s, CAR-15s, and Remington 700 bolt-action rifles. Additionally, HUMINT and SIGINT support was attached to Blue Light. Captain Tim Casey was a 35A (military intelligence) who led a team from 801st MID. The 400th Special Operations Detachment (SOD) was assigned to run SIGINT support.


Down Plank Road, a few miles away from Mott Lake, Master Sergeant Wesley Stevens and Larry Kramer helped construct what became known as S&K range. The edge of Blue Light’s range actually crossed into an adjacent McPherson impact area, and it was not uncommon to find shrapnel lying around. One time, Roger even found an unexploded shell on the range that had not detonated because the shipping plug had not been removed before it was fired.