Jack and I have been harassed for over two years with a barrage of emails asking us to start a book club. So here it is but we need your help spreading the word.
And let’s get something straight, buying into a club is different than just buying a book off Amazon. Few can compete with Amazon Prime on price, and SOFREP is no exception. However, we can beat them on service and the experience of belonging to a really fucking cool military book club. For those of you who emailed us about pricing, I emailed all of you personally this morning, twenty emails…I’m in this for real.
A personal commitment.
I’m personally taking the book club in my hands, it’s my mission in life, to make sure it’s the best damn military book club on the planet. For those who know me, you know I love books, always have, ever since I was forced to dive into books as a young ten-year old kid stranded on his family’s sailboat with no television. This will be the freaking coolest club, you have my word.
Military book fans have a problem, what to choose and read? I get asked about what titles to read all the time. We have solved that with the SOFREP book club. We pick the best, and vet the titles for you.
I spoke with my friend Marc, a senior Editor at St. Martin’s Press over the weekend, and he was thrilled we were doing this. He also expressed his support in helping make our club as special as possible. Marc represents myself, Dalton Fury, Mike Ritland, Nick Irving, and many more military and Special Ops authors. He said we have full access to his roster for special events and signings. This means our club has a direct line to some of the best authors in the genre of military non-fiction and fiction.
Want a club tour of St. Martin’s Press in New York city, led by me? It can and will happen.
Why $29.99? Because running a club takes time and effort. There’s events to set up, coordinating with authors, money to fly an author in town and put them up in a hotel, time spent talking to publishers about getting books to our club early, a distribution center to stand up, t-shirts to make, and more.
Jack and I have been harassed for over two years with a barrage of emails asking us to start a book club. So here it is but we need your help spreading the word.
And let’s get something straight, buying into a club is different than just buying a book off Amazon. Few can compete with Amazon Prime on price, and SOFREP is no exception. However, we can beat them on service and the experience of belonging to a really fucking cool military book club. For those of you who emailed us about pricing, I emailed all of you personally this morning, twenty emails…I’m in this for real.
A personal commitment.
I’m personally taking the book club in my hands, it’s my mission in life, to make sure it’s the best damn military book club on the planet. For those who know me, you know I love books, always have, ever since I was forced to dive into books as a young ten-year old kid stranded on his family’s sailboat with no television. This will be the freaking coolest club, you have my word.
Military book fans have a problem, what to choose and read? I get asked about what titles to read all the time. We have solved that with the SOFREP book club. We pick the best, and vet the titles for you.
I spoke with my friend Marc, a senior Editor at St. Martin’s Press over the weekend, and he was thrilled we were doing this. He also expressed his support in helping make our club as special as possible. Marc represents myself, Dalton Fury, Mike Ritland, Nick Irving, and many more military and Special Ops authors. He said we have full access to his roster for special events and signings. This means our club has a direct line to some of the best authors in the genre of military non-fiction and fiction.
Want a club tour of St. Martin’s Press in New York city, led by me? It can and will happen.
Why $29.99? Because running a club takes time and effort. There’s events to set up, coordinating with authors, money to fly an author in town and put them up in a hotel, time spent talking to publishers about getting books to our club early, a distribution center to stand up, t-shirts to make, and more.
Why premium express FEDEX shipping? Because it’s the best, and I don’t have time to mess with USPS and them screwing up our shipping process, it eats up time, and time is the most valuable thing we have. All that said, we’ll have alternative shipping prices because too many have asked. Fair enough?
So if you want to buy your books on Amazon Prime, go ahead, I do this all the time for myself and my kids, it’s a great value. Just don’t bust our balls about pricing. We aren’t selling books, we’re selling exclusive access to the best damn military book club there is, period.
So…if you want in, sign up here, I’m waiving the club initiation fee until February 15th. And if you have ideas on publisher tours, author meet ups, let me know below, I’m putting together the second book pick and schedule now. Also, if you want to gift a membership to someone let us know. We have some really good people on this site, aspiring military/Spec Ops, and just plain supporters who would appreciate the gesture.
How can you help us? Please share this post on your Facebook page and sign up if you can.
Thanks for your support and for a detailed look at the club, see below.
How the Club Works
Every month you get a hand-picked book in the mail. Usually the book will not have been released yet but sometimes we’ll dig a classic out and get the original author involved. Example, Rogue Warrior by SEAL Team 6 founder Dick Marcinko (we’re working on this now). We’ll discuss the book all month while we read it in the Team Room book forum and then have a moderated online talk and invite the author and SOFREP editors. Then we’ll run an article on the main site with your comments and feedback as a live review of sorts. Also, we’re known to throw a good party around here, you may get an invite.Warning: this club isn’t for everyone, if you’re going to compare us to Amazon then don’t let the business end of the rifle bother you as it nudges you out of the compound and into enemy territory. You can’t get this experience anywhere else, and a lot of effort goes into maintaining this beast. I repeat, it’s not for everyone.
You don’t have to participate in the discussion or review the book; you can just subscribe to receive a custom hand-picked book every month.
We’re only after the great ones but, sometimes our favorite will not be your favorite, we hope to succeed 9 out of 10 times though! The books will usually be hardcover, but not always. Sometimes there will be paperback originals (some books start their life this way). Sometimes the books will be monster hardcovers like my upcoming book The Killing School (January 2017). On occasion we’ll email you early looks at chapters from manuscripts in progress, and invite you to private author signings (when the club gets big enough).
It’s great because we’re going to have a discussion about new books and you’ll be able to learn insider stories and interact with your favorite authors, rather than waiting you’ll be in the know on all the latest in military fiction and non-fiction. It used to be that only people in the media got advance copies of books but welcome to SOFREP, we’re all reviewers now.
Brandon Webb
Founder, SOFREP.com, former Navy guy, and book worm.

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