Terror returned to the UK capital as an IED went off in a subway train in London.

The device injured several people and made the British police go in high gear with armed response teams swarming the Parsons Green station in Southwest London.

At first it was unclear whether the incident was terror related but after a couple of hours the Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu declared that indeed the police were dealing with a terrorist attack and would be investigating further.

Witnesses at the scene reported people badly burned and a stampede caused by panic after the explosion. Thankfully, despite the injuries, no deaths have been reported yet.

This attack revitalized fears that terrorists could be targeting the subway, or the tube as it is known in the UK, once again.

British Foreign Secretary and former London mayor Boris Johnson made an appeal for calm.

“I’m afraid my information is limited and it really is important not to speculate at the moment,” he said on Sky News. “Obviously, everybody should keep calm and go about their lives in a normal way, as normal as they possibly can.”

Theresa May has called a meeting of the Government’s emergency Cobra committee over the terrorist attack on Parsons Green station.