Brussels, Belgium—Disagreement over the next EU budget is holding up the European Defence Fund (EDF) and its projects.

The EDF was launched in June 2017 and will be operational in 2019.  The Fund’s primary objective is to improve the European defence industry by making it more efficient and coordinated.

A European Commission spokesperson said that “The total value of collaborative projects which the European Defence Fund will generate will depend on funding rates the Commission will set for projects in the work program.”

An agreement between the European Parliament and the Council “is essential to ensure that EU funds start delivering results on the ground as soon as possible,” added the spokesperson.

Ever since President Trump’s election, Europe has been shyly reasserting herself on military and foreign policy issues. The EDF, and similar projects such as PESCO and CARD, are the initial steps towards a more autonomous EU.

“The pan-European collaborative defence research projects supported by the Fund are designed to ensure Europe’s technological leadership, lay the foundations for future defence capabilities and support a more innovative and competitive European defence industry,” said Elżbieta Bieńkowska, the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs Commissioner.

Despite the lack of a final agreement regarding the funds, the EDF has already begun to produce results. An auspicious pan-European project called Ocean-2020 is in the early implementation stage. The project aims to improve maritime surveillance and interdiction operations. Ocean-2020 will utilise unmanned submarines and aerial drones to gather intelligence that will then be combined with conventional systems to produce a more holistic operational picture.

Such a system will prove helpful with the rampant immigration that plagues Europe’s southern shores.