I’ve owned a 1911 for some time, and although I’ve had other pistols before it, I’ve found that there aren’t very many guns I’m more accurate with than my trusty old black and brown .45. To be honest, I’ve never put much stock into the Glock vs 1911 debate.  They’re both reliable, accurate, and easy enough to clean once you get the hang of it (though the Glock is admittedly a bit easier).  In my opinion, the 1911 vs Glock argument is no different from the Ford vs Chevy one – it really comes down to individual models and owner preference.

Now, I’m certain that plenty of 1911 (and other .45) owners will bring up the increased stopping power allotted by their larger ammunition.  Many Glocks are chambered in 9 millimeter – a smaller round that some would suggest offers a reduced ability to transfer the kinetic energy from the bullet into the target.  Nine-Mil guys will reply by countering those claims using math and science (two things I’ve never excelled at) before bringing up the increased magazine capacity provided by choosing a smaller round.

Now, I own both a 1911 and Glock 19, and recently I’ve taken to carrying the Glock more often because of its smaller footprint and lack of jagged edges chewing away at the love handles I’ve carefully crafted out of cheap vodka and expensive steaks over the past few years.  At the range, I’m admittedly more accurate at twenty-five meters with the 1911 than I am with the Glock, but I’d chalk that up to the shooter, rather than the gun.  They’re both great platforms that have proven themselves time and time again in combat and at ranges all over the world.

So, because I skipped most of my high school and college math classes, and because the differences in accuracy between a .45 and a 9mm aren’t more pronounced than my own limitations, I’m left with only one real means of comparison to help me decide which cartridge is right for me when I head out into town: which one is used by cooler movie action heroes?

The 9MM Team

John McClane (Die Hard), Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon), and John Wick (John Wick)

Fun movie fact, the 9mm Beretta 92 you can see Bruce Willis’ John McClane carrying in the first (and best) Die Hard movie is the very same 9mm Beretta 92 you can see Mel Gibson’s Martin Riggs carry in Lethal Weapon.  Both of these protagonists display an incredible amount of 80’s movie awesomeness, with McClane throwing Professor Snape out a window and Riggs fighting Gary Busey’s Joshua in the rain to prove, once and for all, that he’s the best Special Forces guy in Danny Glover’s front yard that day.