In terms of working environments, the United States Air Force and State Farm insurance run pretty closely together, according to Cassie Thompson, who has spent many years associated with both.

“I think this job is the closest thing I’ve had to my Air Force career which was a fantastic career,” she said.
Thompson was born and raised in Camden, Maine, a beautiful little place known for tourism on its Penobscot Bay coast. “Camden is really busy in the summer but in the winter it is really dead,” she added. A very small town midway up the Maine coast, Thompson took her husband up there one summer when her two children were ready to graduate high school. The town held a parade in town for the different high schools in the area. “He was blown away by how small the graduating class was,” she remembers. “The entire parade took all of about seven minutes.”

She entered the Delayed Entry Program while still in high school. She was a competitive runner and had a scholarship to the University of Maine, but an injury derailed those plans. It was time to move on she said, and she left for basic training in the Air Force in July of 1997 soon after graduating high school.

We joked with her that graduating high school in 1997 makes her a pup still, she laughed and said she now has an employee whose mom, “is younger than me now, so I am feeling that too!”

Her MOS in the Air Force was that of a HAZMAT specialist, something that while not unheard of is a bit of a rarity for women. She then traveled extensively across the United States and across the pond for a slew of deployments.

In the eleven years that she spent on active duty, she was stationed at Mountain Home, Idaho, which said was the “most beautiful place on earth,” and additional duty stations in Korea and California before going TDY to Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait, Ahmad al-Jaber Air Base, also in Kuwait, as well as in Mosul. 9/11 happened when she was stationed at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.

While in Mosul, she was doing some escort duty work and caught an Egyptian man in a lie. It turned out he was trying to gain intelligence on the base and was turned over the host-nation authorities.