My first impression of Budapest is that the city has a soul, I’ll explain soon.

Pandemic Hits

Since the pandemic started in 2020, I’ve been traveling extensively for reasons I’ll get to shortly.

I’m lucky my parents raised my sister and me with the spirit for adventure. We’ve both traveled extensively since leaving the family sailboat behind us.

When the pandemic came to town, I hunkered down for a bit but made a clear decision that I would try and make the best use of the time, and I felt like I’d accomplished this.

I decided to sell our subscription box business that had turned tumultuous after COVID hit our supply chain. Made worse when a key employee, who developed a drug addiction, overbought several million dollars of inventory putting us in a tight spot. He would later overdose and be dead within a year of letting him go. This is the stuff they don’t teach in case studies at Harvard Business school.

But I decided I would make the most of the situation that the pandemic has caused.

I got my kids from zero to advanced SCUBA certification while they visited me in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2020. Sold a novel with John Mann that turned into the Finn X series, and re-committed to getting our community back and energized at SOFREP, a business I love because we can see the difference we make in delivering news that is biassed only towards getting at the truth, a sometimes hard and jagged pill to swallow.

America is a tough place to be these days. When we’re not tearing each other apart, we’re trying to cancel each other.