The following piece first appeared on Warrior Maven, a Military Content Group member website.

J-35 vs F-22 & F-35

The emerging J-35, which can be traced back to years of development of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s J-31 5th-gen stealthy carrier-launched stealth jet, is described as having unparalleled ability to “see” and “target” enemy fighters from stand-off ranges, much like the US F-35. Available specs of China’s several J-31 (FC-31) prototypes say the aircraft can hit speeds of Mach 1.8, meaning it is faster than an F-35, which flies at Mach 1.6 but not quite as fast as the Mach 2.2 speeds of the US F-22.

The F-22 also has the most advanced thrust-to-weight ratio in the world and is, therefore, able to maneuver, vector, and outrun enemy air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles in ways that are likely to be unrivaled.

In discussing the arrival of its J-35, the Chinese Government-backed Global Timessaid that it is quite different from its preceding J-20. While able to carry large amounts of ordnance and operate at high altitudes up to 12 miles high, the J-20 is also listed as being capable of hitting speeds of Mach 2.0. At the same time, the J-20 is larger than the J-35, capable of flying at high altitudes and carrying a large amount of ordnance.

While the J-20s speed might suggest it has the ability to vector and maneuver in the air, it does not seem clear how agile the J-20 might be, given its size and weight. Sure enough, the Chinese paper compares the J-20 to its J-35 and says its newer J-35 stealth fighter is lighter, faster, similar to an F-35, and engineered for “strong surface attack capabilities.”

“The J-35A has a different design than China’s first stealth fighter jet, the J-20. The J-20, with a canard wing configuration, is a heavy fighter jet with a focus on air superiority missions comparable with the US F-22, while the medium-sized J-35A uses a tailplane wing configuration similar to the US F-35 that also has strong surface attack capabilities,” The Global Times says.

The paper’s reference to the J-20 as a heavy fighter seems to make sense, because despite being a stealth 5th-generation aircraft, the jet can almost operate in bomb-truck mode.

J-20 Bomb Truck

The J-20 does operate with a “bomb-truck” like capacity to deliver more ordnance than an F-35 on a single mission, as it can take off with 27,998 pounds of internal and external ordnance, compared with an F-35 in beast mode which can travel with 18,000 pounds of weapons. The J-31 can also travel with a heavy load of weapons, as its maximum take-off capacity is listed as being at 28,000 kg.A full internal and external weapons complement, however, would certainly compromise stealth by generating a larger and more precise radar return signal to adversary air defenses.