Congress Acts to Ensure Honorable Discharges For Vaccine Refusal

The Senate has passed the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) including an amendment that would prohibit any discharge but an Honorable one for service members who choose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Various members of the House and Senate are all claiming credit for introducing and voting for the amendment to the two-thousand-plus pages of the Defense Bill, among them is Congressman Mark Green(R-Tennessee). Congressman Green is a West Point graduate and a U.S. Army combat veteran.

As read from the amendment; ‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member of the armed forces subject to discharge on the basis of the member choosing not to receive the COVID–19 vaccine may only receive an honorable discharge.’’

This amendment had been strongly opposed by the Biden Administration. A statement by The Office of Management and Budget in August stated that the administration “strongly opposes” the amendment, and if implemented would, “detract from readiness and limit a commander’s options for enforcing good order and discipline when a Service member fails to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccination.”

While the worst discharges characterized as Bad Conduct or Dishonorable can only be handed down as a result of a court martial proceeding, it is at the commanding officer’s discretion to recommend a court martial for refusing to obey a direct order. In a political climate where the administration seems determined to see punitive action of some kind for those refusing to be vaccinated, turning such refusals over to the military courts for adjudication elevates it to a felony act that could include fines and prison time along with a Dishonorable or Bad Conduct Discharge.

It very much appears that commanding officers would refer all charges of vaccination refusal to the military justice system for the reason that the very worst discharge types are beyond the scope of their authority.  This was hinted at when the Navy announced that those refusing vaccination would be discharged under the least favorable characterization.  A Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge has the same effect as being convicted of a felony in a civilian court. You cannot vote, or own a firearm, or even apply for a bank loan.  You cannot work for the government or receive any form of government assistance which would include attending any publically-funded college or trade school.  You would also have problems getting a job just about anywhere, and be barred from entering most foreign countries for life.

The opposition by the Biden administration to an amendment that would assure an Honorable Discharge for a charge stemming from a vaccine refusal also speaks to the likelihood that the Pentagon was preparing to treat such a refusal as a felony act.


A Brief Timeline of the Vaccine Mandate on the Military

 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced a vaccine requirement for all members of the military in late August of 2021.