Lahore, Pakistan– On Monday, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at a protest, killing 14 and injuring at least 60. Sameer Ahmad, the Lahore deputy commissioner reported nine people are still in critical condition. Two police officials were reportedly killed in the bombing. The hundreds of protest attendees were pharmacists and medical shop owners protesting a recent drug sale law. The majority of news organizations are reporting Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility as an act of revenge for military operations on the Pakistan-Afghan border. However, CNN is reporting that two groups have claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Two groups claimed joint responsibility for what officials said was a suicide attack. Jamat-ul-Ahrar,  a splinter group of Pakistan’s Tehreek-i Taliban (TTP) — also known as the Pakistani Taliban — claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement emailed to CNN. In addition, the chief of North Waziristan Agency’s Intiqam Waziristan, or the “Avengers of Waziristan,” told CNN in a phone call that they were responsible.”- CNN

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