In the beginning, Man created the gun and the cartridge. The gun was without form and void; darkness was on the face of the targets that Man sought, and he was sore afraid for he could not see them. And Man said:

“Let there be light — let there be target acquisition and fire control implementations for this gun.”

And there was light; there was a 600-lumen SureFire M600 Scout, and Man saw that it was good.

The SureFire M600 Scout.

I think the bulk of us can agree that we need a light generation source on our personal and home protection gat (gun, weapon, firearm), but I’ll bet we can’t agree on which one out there is the best one. Yet, should we dare to exclude peer pressure and make informed decisions on our own, we can certainly resolve which is the best one for just ourselves.

The referenced SureFire M600 is among the top-of-the-line gun lights retailing for about $245.00, but you most certainly can pay a whole lot more than that for a gun light if you are more of a prestige whore than you are a practical shooter. There are plenty of gun-queer circles to run in out there who will promptly snub you dearly if you are not sinking at least $800.00 into your red-dot scope.

My red dot scope comes in at a disgraceful <200.00 American Tender. I can’t get any gun-queer clubs to let me in. Yes, my scope set me back two Benjis. And I don’t even need a scope that can be submerged in ice for 36 hours, baked in a campfire for 30 minutes, run over by a Jeep Cherokee, and (yes) shot with a rifle before it finally stops working, but only because the rifle shot dislodged the power source — the battery.

A red dot scope such as this Vortex SPARC resides at the sensible end of the snob spectrum far from the costly crowd.

Gun-queers will scoff at you if you are burning less than 600 lumens in your flood. Maverick me just needs enough LED to be able to put my red dot behind the ear of the home invader/rapist and squeeze (not jerk) the trigger. I don’t need to be able to read the fine print of a home warranty from the moon.

Early Delta first used full-sized, three D-cell battery-using Stanley flashlights like the kind security guards use to crack trespassers over the head with. They used steel pipe clamps to secure the flashlights under the barrels of their assault weapons. Miniaturized technology lets us carry more “practical functionality” on our gats, with some of it perhaps serving only a questionable role in the shooting.