A Frosty Fate: The Thin Ice of Controversy

I feel the weight of my fat ass bear down upon the ice beneath my feet. I see the clear frozen sheet turn chalk-white and opaque as its fracture spreads … I hear the unspeakable cracking sound that bids me slip to my frosty death in the fathoms below.

All that drama just because I have the word “racist” in the title of my essay. The demise of an article so titled is not content-specific; there is no profit to my slant, no safe zone in which to cower — only ice, thin ice threatened by a fat ass. Best of luck to me.

Military Misconduct: Rapone and Pistolis Under Scrutiny

Fate is drawing to a close for military badboys Spenser Rapone and Vasilios Pistolis. It appears both are getting their just rewards, and if they had not been clued in on one of life’s proverbial truths before, it is doubtless happening now: if you wanna dance, you gotta pay the band.

Marine Vasilis Pistolis’ greatest moment of notoriety came with his admitted and documented participation in the deadly white supremacist rally called Unite the Right (UTR) in Charlotte, VA, in the Summer of 2017, an event which resulted in one fatality and several injuries.

That alone is shocking, but it is noteworthy that the same responsible organization has garnered a permit for yet another rally of an identical theme to take place at the National Mall in Washington D.C. this year. Mr. Vasilios Pistolis might be in attendance; Private Vasilios Pistolis will not be.

Spenser Rapone’s multitude of sins can be gleaned from SOFREPs article by Jack Murphy, published in a pre-COVID 2018, but a quick sum up of each man’s consequence:

Spenser got drummed out of the service, and there are rumblings about the option to make him pay back tuition for West Point to the tune of some $300,000.00.

Vasilios Pistolis got some pay forfeiture, busted down two ranks, and gets to spend nearly a month in the pokey. What’s more, there are also rumblings of potential separation from the service for the self-proclaimed white supremacist.