The airfield in Turkey was buzzing.

White Land Cruisers sped around the runway, ferrying Westerners around the immediate area.  Were they working for relief organizations, intelligence services, or corporations?  Deckard watched another group of middle aged men depart a third airplane that had landed that morning and decided that probably they were working for all three at the same time.

Syria was now a global conflict that had pulled in actors from far and wide.  Russia backed Assad as the Russian Navy had a warm water port in Syria, their last in the Mediterranean, as well as over a billion dollars in defense contracts a year sunk with the Syrian regime.  The House of Saud supported the Sunni extremists such as the Al-Nusra front in order to hedge their bets against a strong Shia presence in the Middle East.  Qatar supported the same simply because they wanted to be an influential player in Middle Eastern politics, and international influence meant assuming an Islamist bent these days.

America supported the rebel movement, the so-called Free Syrian Army with covert assistance but so little that even the moderates in the movement had defected to Al-Nusra as they were the best support, drawing cash and weapons from the Saudis and Qataris.  With the FSA gutted, America was left with few options by the time they began to overtly assist the rebels.  Meanwhile, China supported whatever players in the region were not aligned with America.

Long story short, Syria was fucked.  Corrupt elites in the Assad regime fought tooth and nail knowing that the Baath party would sink or swim together.  If they lost, there would be no negotiated peace.  That time had long since passed.  Now it was total war until one side annihilated the other.  The civilians paid the price as Islamists and Alawite death squads executed entire families in their terror campaigns.

The country would hollow itself out of human life until there simply were not enough fighters left to carry the rifles.

Deckard watched the foreigners load up and drive off, no doubt heading to the converted military garrison in nearby Antakya where the FSA command center was housed along with the headquarters for other Western-sponsored rebel groups.  It was also where the rebels met with American, British, Turkish, and Qatari intelligence officers.

What a shit show.