The internet is a great source of information and it is fun to play in, but it is not always a hospitable place. Therefore, it stands to reason that we should have measures in place to adequately protect our digital security and privacy online. Whether or not we care to invest time and energy defending ourselves online (i.e. the “it could never happen to me” argument) has become a moot point, as the below example illustrates.

Yes, we know. Some might say…

Here comes yet another digital security and privacy piece from 14Charlie that adds more to our to-do list and emphasizes the fear of what could happen to someone online. 

Just send me my tin foil hat and put me in a Faraday cage… I’m sick of being vulnerable.

*Pumps shotgun* I’ll take my chances *stares off into distant sunset* out there.

We get it. We find ourselves emphasizing digital security and privacy a lot, and it’s not because you don’t already know it’s important. However, there are countless reasons as to why we recommend a renewed emphasis on digital security and privacy in your lives (besides, if we don’t publish at least one reminder about digital security and privacy a month, Stavros’s blood pressure drops too low and impacts his managerial editing duties).

Most recently, we wanted to briefly discuss an instance of mistaken identity online that was compounded by the current events. It led to a perfectly innocent man having his entire life disrupted by complete strangers hell-bent on dishing out the Internet’s brand of street justice: doxing.

Doxing: your information in the hands of the internet mob

Doxing (var. doxxing) is the practice of finding and publicly broadcasting personal information about somebody online, usually with the intent to shame them or to instigate some kind of follow-on actions by other parties. Somebody usually gets upset at you or wants to generate some kind of effect against you. They dig up all the dirt they can through hacking, stalking, social engineering, etc. and then your personal information (address, phones, relatives, date of birth, etc.) all get plastered online in the hopes someone taking some kind of follow-on action (see: “swatting” for a prime example).