Developing Story: There are reports of an explosion at the Songshan station in Taipei City, Taiwan. According to Staits Times 21 people after a device that looked like a firecracker exploded,

“At least 21 people were injured in an explosion last night in a commuter train cabin in Taipei’s Songshan Railway Station, in what is believed to be the first such incident on the island.

The train was travelling from the northwestern city of Hsinchu to the northeastern port city of Keelung, some three hours away.

It is not clear what caused the blast but National Police Agency Director-General Chen Kuo-en told reporters that for now, it is not likely to be a terrorist attack.

Witnesses said they heard three blasts inside the cabin before it burst into flames. They said they saw a man who walked in and left a bag in the cabin moments before the explosion.

A 20cm-long, black object was found on the train seat, according to police. Mr Chen said the object “looked like a firecracker”, reported Central News Agency. “