This week, I learned about a fantastic offer for former military folks. As much as we may not like to admit it, all of those years of military service can leave us a little bit worse for wear. For many (like me), neurological issues lie at the heart of this. We develop stressors that we carry with us everywhere we go. These must be dealt with in one way or another. We can choose positive methods to deal with these issues or adopt self-destructive behaviors.

Fortunately, the amazing professionals at Rē Precision Health are here to help guide us down the right path. A healing, healthy path.

Rē Precision Health offers free nervous system regulation programs to (ex) military.

RE precision Health
I’m starting to become de-stressed by just looking at this photograph.

They tell me that “the Rēset is a 15-day program based on Neuroscience, Psychology, and Functional Medicine to provide education and immersive experiences to unwind the chronic stress response. The multi-modal program addresses the physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, and existential stresses that affect the nervous system to optimize physical and mental well-being.”

Modalities include:

– QEEG Brain Mapping & Neurofeedback (to optimize brainwave function)

– Heart Rate Variability Training (to measure and train balance in the Autonomic Nervous system)

– Anti-inflammatory Diet