The following news comes from a Filipino Facebook page but is believed to be accurate as I’ve cross referenced it with other sources:

BREAKING NEWS: The Number of armed Filipinos in Sabah has reached 300, at least six camps have been set up and still waiting for reinforcements from Tawi-Tawi.

Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, who had been negotiating with the Malaysian since Tuesday is dressed up in [white robes] the symbol of Jihad.

A Malaysian villager, who returned to check on his house, said the Filipinos did not enter vacant houses.

According to source, on Nov. 11, 2012 Sultan Jamalul Kiram III issued a royal decree that authorized Rajah Mudah’s journey who was tasked to lead a 1,000-strong force to Sabah.

PHOTO: Malaysian Military personnel have set up a base camp and check point near Tanduo Village where Filipinos are in a tense standoff. Borneo Insider

Two weeks ago the MNLF, one of the Muslim groups, kicked off a major offensive against the Abu Sayaaf group, another Muslim organization/terrorist group in Sulu.  It seems that Abu Sayaaf got pushed right to the waterline on the coast and without anywhere else to go they hopped on a boat to the Sabah region of Malaysia.   For those who have been keeping score, these groups are completely different than the others I’ve written about previously such as the Ampatuans and BIFF which is Kato‘s Islamic faction that broke away from the MILF…which in turn had broken away from the MNLF.  Confused yet?