Preparing, packing and readying for a film shoot out in the boonies is actually quite similar to preparing, packing and readying for a long FTX or mission overseas. However, instead of weapons, ammunition and radios you’re carrying cameras, SD cards and microphones. The equipment is more sensitive to the elements but just like in combat, you probably won’t have the means to replace much of anything if it breaks.

Go the extra mile to protect delicate equipment

A Canon 7D isn’t a 240B, and you can’t treat it as such. Film equipment is pricey, and if you’re really out in the boonies then replacing broken equipment can become difficult, and you can’t exactly lug a ton of extra lenses with you if everything has to fit on your back.

In the past, I have worked on a shoe-string budget, so I’m not buying thousands of dollars of lightweight, protective cases and special SD card holders. I bought one of those $20 Tupperware sets, used a smaller one for SD cards and a larger one for batteries, chargers and my lapel microphones. I taped the edges so there was no chance of them falling apart. I wrapped my extra lenses in microfiber towels that I could use for cleaning, and I padded everything with my socks and t-shirts.

Don’t let something as stupid as a scratched lens ruin every ensuing day in the field.

Pack the heavy stuff up high toward your shoulders

This is a trick I learned from the Army, and it’s done wonders for my deteriorating back. If you’re packing heavy stuff, and film equipment can get heavy fast if you’re the only one carrying it, pack it up on the tops of your shoulders, and as far toward your body as possible. Anything else is going start grinding away at your lower back, giving you problems for years to come.

My bag in Burma, though in retrospect I probably would have picked something that didn’t get so heavy when wet.

Clean your equipment daily