As you read on you’ll see that this story is a special find and I wanted to share with everyone on SOFREP.

Special thanks to CR at Massif for digging this up and sending it to me. At the time Massif was branching out into the commerical market and had a partnership with myself, they eventually decided to focus solely on government sales and we parted ways. They’re a great company with incredible people, and I continue to make kick ass materials and clothing.

Asolo makes a great boot, and Glen’s testimony to their durability and performance is hard to beat. Reading Glen’s old “Pro form” from Massif brought a smile to my face, I could hear Glen’s voice all through the read.

I hope you enjoy this special review as much as I did.


Photo: Glen hooked up with a fresh Marlin. With friends and I fishing in Cabo on the “Reel Axe”

Massif Pro Form/Asolo Hiking Boot Review

Job Title: Security Specialist