Did you know Hugo Boss made uniforms for Nazi Germany?

Did you know the true origins of the Hell’s Angels motorcycle club?

In the grand tradition of borrowing swagger from military history, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club—a name that roars down the highway like a P-40 Warhawk—actually cribbed their moniker from the sky-pounding legends of WWII.

Picture this: you’re a fighter pilot in the Pacific Theater, part of the 303rd Bomb Group or the 3rd Pursuit Squadron, and your unit is aptly named the “Hells Angels.” You’re not just dropping bombs; you’re dropping jaws with your aerial combat.

Pilot sitting in the cockpit of a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

(Photo: WWII P40 Warhawk Squadron)

Fast forward to the post-war years. A bunch of ex-servicemen with a thirst for adrenaline and a devil-may-care attitude decide to trade in their wings for wheels.

They needed a name that screamed, “We’re not here to play nice,” and what better inspiration than the airborne badasses who rained hell from above?