Ever since the kick-off of the 2016 presidential election, or, at least since the entrance of Donald J. Trump into the race, there has existed a small, hardcore cell of conservative voices who have vociferously and unwaveringly opposed not only Trump’s platform, but his very existence within the GOP itself. This group has been labeled the “Never Trump” crowd, or the “Never Trumpers,” derived from the #NeverTrump movement on Twitter.

The Spartan-like defensive posture of this cadre of conservative thinkers opposing Trump has echoed the ferocity of The 300, who held off the Persian hordes at Thermopylae. They see Trump as potentially catastrophic for the country, not just the GOP, and have steadfastly refused to give up throughout the race. This, despite Trump’s string of primary victories and eventual seizure of the Republican nomination, and despite being out of touch with “the base” of their party, who decisively chose Trump as the nominee.

They have refused to lay down their rhetorical weapons. They fight on to this day.

This moderately sized phalanx of intellectual combatants warned Republicans from the get-go that Trump was not a true conservative, would not govern as such, could not beat Hillary Clinton in the general election, and was, in fact, a charlatan and a fraud. Their attacks have been in some cases merciless, and in some cases, restrained. They are always unrelenting, though. They are not the “soft nay’s” described in The Atlantic’s guide to Republicans opposed to Trump. They are the “hell no’s!”

These are the diehards who could never violate their principles and support a man like Trump simply to win an election, or simply because Trump has an “R” behind his name. They have collectively played the role of Old Testament prophets throughout this election season—speaking truth to their party leaders, often to the detriment of their own standing within their own party. They have bucked their party base, and many of its elected leaders, and have relentlessly attacked Trump’s positions along the way.

The Never Trumpers stand in stark contrast to the Joe Scarborough types within the party, who have tried to toe a line between saying they are opposed to some of Trump’s policies, occasionally chastising his tactics and pronouncements, and then going on to praise his occasional “political genius,” dropping references to how they have “known him for 10 years.” These types have gone on to tell us, “He is so different in person!” It is as if they are saying, “If you would just socialize with him in New York for three hours or so every few months, you would really get to know him and see that he is not that bad a guy! He is just saying things to win the primaries.”

Deep sigh.

While shows like Morning Joe offered Trump an unlimited microphone—usually via telephone from his apartment, apparently—during the primaries, Trump used that free air time to tear apart his primary rivals. The #NeverTrump platoon, meanwhile, remained the true believers, trying desperately to drag the Republican party back to its principles. They looked on in horror as Trump rolled over his opponents on the way to the nomination, while the networks that put him on television racked up record ratings.