Berlin, Germany—The GSG 9 is expanding.

The elite counter-terrorism unit of the German federal police is looking to increase its numbers by a third.

“We’re talking about around a third of the current strength of the unit,” said GSG 9 commander Jérome Fuchs.

He did stress, however, that recruiting the right officers will be a challenge. But he’s adamant that the fitness and psychological standards will remain the same.

The Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (Border Protection Group 9), moreover, will be installing a second base in Berlin to be able to react faster in case of an attack in the German capital. The Berlin squad will be compromised of around 100 operators.

“If you look at comparable terrorist situations across Europe, then it was often capital cities that were affected. It is essential that we are better prepared in the capital. Our aim is clear: GSG 9 needs to be capable of quicker reactions in the capital,” added Fuchs.

Both GSG 9’s enlargement and the new base are happening in the wake of the recent terror events that have plagued Europe. Last year, the German law enforcement agencies investigated more than 900 terrorism-related cases; a 400% increase from 2016.

“According to the German security forces, the terrorist situation has not become less dangerous, despite the military defeat of ‘Islamic State’ — on the contrary, it could have become more dangerous,” said Rolf Tophoven, an expert on the GSG 9.