The Utah National Guard suspects its facilities, equipment and personnel may have been involved in making a swimsuit calendar. Of all the bizarre unauthorized uses of my tax dollars, this seems one of the more reasonable.  Where were these calendar models when I was in SF? (If you answered “elementary school,” you would be correct.)

The Utah National Guard is investigating the mystery of how scantily clad foreign models could have gained access to Camp Williams, the Special Forces Equipment Pool and the M-109A6 Paladin 155mm Artillery System, as well as an Apache AH-64 helicopter stationed atSalt Lake City Airport II.

Based on my training and experience, I may have some insight into how this happened.

Fact: Parties unknown infiltrated a group of scantily clad foreign models deep into Utah through the Salt Lake International Airport.  I believe they were enthusiastically welcomed by American Customs and Border Protection Officers with a cursory inspection of their documents.  My speculation is that after infiltration, a female person (whom I suspect was a foreign model) asked a Sergeant Major if they could take pictures of scantily clad foreign models at Camp Williams posing with machine guns, a Zodiac boat and driving a howitzer.  Brilliant plan – from a few calendar photos, you would never know where the pictures were taken. Could be anywhere. Flawed execution, the crew documented their activities with a detailed “Behind the Scenes” video.

In spite of their lack of military CAC cards, their obviously foreign accents and their improper (and inadequate) uniforms, it seems pretty clear these ladies made it past the security guards at the Camp Williams gate and into some highly restricted areas on base.  The egregious violations of Army Regulation 670-1 alone are enough generate an IG investigation.

According to my sources, the video below is authentic but was edited by parties unknown and re-posted.  The credits where Hot Shots gives a special thanks at the to Soldiers of the 19th Special Forces Group and then thanks their active duty Command Sergeant Major Scott Bollinger by name have been removed from the original video. Dodged a bullet there.

FOX 13 news reports that Utah National Guard Lt. Col. Steven Fairbourn says there is an internal investigation to determine if guard equipment, facilities and personnel were used in the calendar shoot.  I may be able to help out here.  Unless there is an airsoft Forward Operating Base with MRAPs, Apaches attack helicopters and Paladin howitzers in Salt Lake, I think we can close the file on that particular investigation.  Allegation substantiated.