CBS recently aired a story called, “CBS News producer shows how easy it is to buy an assault rifle.” In the segment, the reporter Paula Reid can be seen walking out of a store called SpecDive Tactical, LLC carrying out a brown gun case containing an AR-15. The owner of the store SpecDive Tactical, LLC  has responded to the purchase and has filed a complaint with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and Virginia State Police claiming that Paula Reid and CBS news purchased the weapon under false pretenses and committed a federal crime. According to SpecDive Tactical, LLC:

SDT General Manager, Ryan Lamke, conducted the transaction for Ms. Reid and stated, “Ms. Paula Reid came into the shop with cash, claiming she wished to purchase an AR-15 to, ‘undergo training.’ She refused basic, free instruction of firearms safety under the pretense that she was using the firearm for training with a NRA certified instructor.” SDT makes every attempt to ensure that all new firearms owners have every resource to ensure safety with their purchase.

Lamke continued by stating, “due to the information provided in the CBS News report filed today, I suspect Ms. Reid committed a straw purchase and procurement of a firearm under false pretenses.”

Jerry Rapp, Owner and Director of SDT said, “The law is very clear. When you knowingly attempt to purchase a firearm with the intent of giving it to another person, you are trying to bypass the legal pathway to firearms ownership. This, in itself, is a very serious crime. I do not see how any member of the press can get away with potentially committing a felony just to boost their ratings and mislead the general public.”

The Washington Free Beacon has already contacted the ATF and CBS regarding this accusation. Here are both of their responses to the Free Beacon:

“ATF is aware of the story, however, the details and the outcome of the sale in question is unclear and it is not evident if a violation occurred,” Corey Ray, ATF spokesperson, told the Washington Free Beacon. “In the event that an investigation is initiated, as a matter of policy, ATF does not comment on or acknowledge ongoing investigations.”

CBS insisted that the actions of its employees were legal. “This story was reported lawfully and in accordance with CBS News’ standards,” a CBS News spokesperson told the Free Beacon.