Hey everybody, we’re looking at website layouts that are attractive to the female demographic (like that marketing speak?). This website would feature topics and information on style, shopping, finance and gossip – fun and interesting stuff for military spouses, and not the typical pity talk and drudgery that most spouse sites dwell on.

For design, we’re looking at three proven formats. We know what we like – we want to know what you think because you Team Room members are a savvy lot. You know one or two military spouses, you may even BE a military spouse, so you can definitely weigh in with some expertise on what today’s military spouse likes.

So, without consideration to the content of the websites, please let us know which DESIGN you think would make a (female) military spouse want to stick around and read. Check ’em out, then come back and vote! We’ll announce the results on Saturday right now!

Perez Hilton

Into The Gloss


Team Room, y’all voted on your faves, and we are in exact agreement. We love the looks of Into The Gloss, but also love how Fashionista functions. So, stand by for updates over the coming months, and thanks for your input, we couldn’t ask for a better Board of Advisors!

Your Winner - INTO THE GLOSS
Your Winner – INTO THE GLOSS